a modern way to eat – Anna Jones

So much for a cookbook a month.

I finally took the previous one back to the library after not looking at it for several months. Just not enough recipes in there that I was interested in trying or using as the basis for something else.

In contrast, this one by Anna Jones is a treasure trove. It’s all vegetarian ( which fits in with the New Year New Me kind of thing ) and is packed full of stuff you will want to try. I haven’t been so excited about a cookbook since I was given ‘The Green Roasting Tin’ by Rukmini Iyer last Christmas.

Don’t be put off by her links to Jamie ( I think she was one of the chefs who took part in his initial Fifteen programme ), the words ‘pukka’ or ‘bosh’ don’t appear at all, and there are no pictures of her looking smug in front of a plate of food. The words ‘hero’ and ‘killer’ start to grate after a while though.

What there is though, is recipe after recipe of really good food, which you will want to try all at once. I spent an hour or so going through it writing a list of recipes I wanted to try.

So, if anyone is reading this, do yourself a favour and get a copy before she gets a TV series and everyone tells you should own her books.