Beetroot and red wine risotto with roasted tomatoes

The picture doesn’t really do this risotto justice, but give it a try, you won’t regret it.

This serves 2.

For the tomatoes, simply put them in a medium oven with some oil, some salt and some balsamic vinegar.


  • 1 medium beetroot, roasted, peeled and cut into small dice
  • 1 small red onion, diced finely
  • 140g risotto rice ( I used half arborio and half black rice – I was after a really deep colour )
  • 100 ml red wine
  • oil
  • 50g cheese
  • vegetable stock (To work out the amount of stock required, I work on having 3 and a half times the volume of the rice as liquid ( including the wine )
  • salt and pepper
  • some microgreens to sprinkle on the top, or some crisped sage leaves.


  • Soften the onion, then add the rice, stirring it around for a few minutes
  • Add the red wine, stirring it all regularly until the wine is absorbed.
  • Gradually stir in the stock, waiting until the previous ladleful is absorbed before adding the next.
  • When you are around half way through adding the stock, add the beetroot, and continue until the rice is done.
  • Mix in the cheese, give it all a stir, then leave it to stand with a lid on while you put your salad together and get yourself a glass of that wine that you’ve hopefully managed to restrain from drinking while you’ve been cooking.
  • Drizzle the tomato juices poured over the risotto, then serve the tomatoes alongside.
  • Garnish with whatever you decided on.