Back in time for Tiramasu

So, after our short hop to Morocco over the weekend it was back to Italy for a few more days.

Monday evening, I decided to use up the remainder of the lamb and did everyone’s favourite, ‘Left-over lamb pasta and tomato bake’. It was made pretty much as you might expect, and had some cheese on top.

mmmm! doesn’t that look tasty?

Tuesday saw us try one of the more bizarre recipes from Gino’s bread book. ‘Crostata di Spaghetti’. Sounds nice doesn’t it?

What it means is Spaghetti tart. Yup, It was a sort of Quiche Milan. Cooked spaghetti, pine kernels, spinach, onion all bound together with cheese and eggs and baked until set. I served it with Artichoke and Minted Peas and Beans in a tomato sauce. It was surprisingly nice.

It was ( perhaps less surprisingly ) not so nice cold the following morning.

Wednesday, we had fish and chips. I’m sure I could translate that into Italian if I really need to.

Thursday saw us have a garden risotto. It’s the picture that heads this article and, served with a tomato and mozarella salad, was as tasty as it looked.

Next up was Hunter Style Chicken ( Chicken, tomato, mushroom casserole basically ) , with Italian roasted potatoes ( small roasted potatoes coated in lemon and thyme at the last minute ).

Finally, for Saturday lunch, I made a focaccia and covered it in pizza type stuff, so basically it was a big fat pizza.

Things were a bit quiet on the sweet front this week. We had Biscotti All’uovo con Marmellata ( Egg cookies with apricot jam ). Ours were a bit overcooked but very tasty.

We also had old fashioned Macaroons (no, not those poncy French things ). These were very nice.